Author Guidelines
The work must be submitted in Word format for Windows (files with .doc or .docx extensions).
The collaborations shall conform to the next format: Margins: top and bottom 2.5 cm – left and right 3 cm, in Trebuchet MS font (10 points) and 1.5 line-spaced; the manuscprits that exceed these sizes may be refused.
The text will include FOOTNOTES. The Bibliographical references at the FOOTNOTES must comply with the iso 690 citation style:
- Monographs: AUTHOR SURNAME (S), AUTHOR FORENAME. Edition. Title. City: Publisher, Year Published.
- Chapter of an edited book: AUTHOR SURNAME(S), AUTHOR FORENAME. Chapter Title. In: Author Forename, AUTHOR SURNAME Title. Edition. City: Publisher, Year Published. p. Pages Used.
- Articles in Journals: AUTHOR SURNAME, AUTHOR FORENAME. Title. Publication Title. Year Published. Vol. Volume number, no. Issue number, p. Pages Used. ISSN.
If the mentioned works were in electronic support, it must be indicated by the words [on line] and the date of access must be added: day month year. For example:
- Books and monographs on line: AUTHOR SURNAME (S), AUTHOR FORENAME. Title [on line]. Secondary authors. Edition. City: Publisher, Year Published [update date] [accessed date]. Physical description. Range. Availability and access.
- Chapter of on line books: AUTHOR SURNAME(S), AUTHOR FORENAME. Chapter Title. In: Author Forename, AUTHOR SURNAME. Title. [on line] Secondary authors. Edition. City: Publisher, Year Published. [update date] [accessed date]. p. Pages Used. Availability and access.
- Articles in on line Journals: AUTHOR SURNAME, AUTHOR FORENAME. Title. Publication Title. Year Published. Vol. Volume number, no. Issue number, p. Pages Used. [accessed date]. Availability and access.
- Web: AUTHOR SURNAME, AUTHOR FORENAME. Title [online]. Year Published [accessed date]. Availability and access.
A CITED BIBLIOGRAPHY must be included. This bibliography will adhere to style rules for footnotes
If it is a Main Article:
The text must be original.
The text must be anonymous. References identifying authors or co-authors may not be included.
The article must contain an abstract (no more than 6 lines or 250 words). The abstract must be written in two languages: English and Spanish.
It must be accompanied by keywords (no more than 5). Keywords should be written in two languages: English and Spanish.
It should also be accompanied by a summary, which should be in accordance with the following rules for numbering headings:
- I.- First level (Roman numbering, capital letters and bold).
- 1.- Second level (Arabic numeration, lower case and bold type).
- 1.1.- Third level (Arabic numeration, consecutive, lower case, bold).
The minimum length is 15 pages (included figures and tables, abstract and keywords and bibliography).
The text may not be longer than 3,000 words.